Age UK South Lakeland

Westmorland and Furness
We offer a holistic service which seeks to identify the issues that are affecting our client's wellbeing, we also provide direct interventions where appropriate and support our clients to access any specialist services they may require. Our services are for anyone in South Lakeland who are over the age of 50, and their carers. To read more about our services, following the website link above.
At Age UK South Lakeland we take a holistic approach to our service offer for older people of the district, we recognise that often the presenting issue is only part of the picture or a symptom of other underlying problems. Alongside our service support offer we also provide social engagement opportunities throughout the district, these opportunities often form part of an overall support strategy for the client.
For other third sector organisations or statutory agencies wishing to refer into our services, simply complete a MARS referral, if your organisation is not yet a registered MARS user, call our Helpline on 030 300 30003.
Our services:
- Information and advice — Provided via our Helpline which is available 9.00 to 4.30 Monday to Friday and we also offer drop in at our Kendal Resource Centre (Mon-Fri 9.30 to 4.30).
- Income maximisation — As an alternative office for the DWP we can offer a complete check of a clients eligibility for benefits and entitlements. We will assess, support or complete the applications for the client, complete any appeals that are required and also represent the client at tribunal.
- Client Support (case working) — Staffed by our team of qualified and experienced Officers , we undertake a wide range of casework for older people of the district. We use the Compass methodology to work with clients to assess their needs, usually with a full assessment in the clients own home. We agree a support plan with the client and work towards finding the solutions required. Often this is a mix of practical support such as sorting out a problem with their gas bill and also social engagement opportunities.
- Advocacy support — Acting as advocates for those clients navigating the potentially complex decisions around social care or representing them at welfare benefits tribunals. Ensuring the clients wishes are heard and understood by all parties.
- Social engagement — We provide a wide range of social engagement opportunities around the district, see the eHub events section for more details or pick up one of our monthly information sheets containing our activity details.
Social engagement opportunities include — Lunch Clubs (40 around the district), Men in Sheds operating from our warehouse in Kendal, Exercise groups, Walking groups. Walking Football and various special interest groups from cooking to computer training for both men and women.
- Friends Exchange - a multi-layered approach to help tackle loneliness which includes phone support, IT training in the client's own home, support to help clients re-engage with community activities and where required for a housebound client a befriending service. The aim is that this service is client led.