UpFront @Hambleton Community Action Celebrates its first birthday! - Tuesday 27 Jun 2023
Monday 3rd June is the 1 year anniversary of our community space, UpFront and to celebrate we have a range of well-being activities, including hand massages, laughing yoga and then of course a birthday cake which will be cut, at 12:00!
There is also a raffle, with 4 hampers as prizes. Tickets are £1 and the winners will be announced on Friday 7th June at 1pm and then of course a birthday cake which will be cut, at 12:00!
Tuesday 4th June we have Conversation Tables, from 10:30am-12:30pm, this is an opportunity to chat informally and ask questions of North Yorkshire Police, Barclays Bank, Recovery College and North Yorkshire Fire Service.
Wednesday 5th June is Volunteers Lunch, please join staff and other volunteers for lunch from 12:30pm in UpFront, upstairs. If anyone has any specific menu requests or allergies please let us know.
Thursday 6th June, we are hosting a volunteer information day to promote volunteering, 10am-4pm, in UpFront, if anyone has an hour or so to spare and would be willing to share their experiences of volunteering with others please come along.
Friday 7th June, Volunteers Quiz Night in UpFront at 6pm, feel free to bring your own drinks we'll provide the snacks.
Volunteers play a huge part in Hambleton Community Action, we really couldn't do it without you, I'd like to take this opportunity to thank you for all the time that you give us. I hope you can join us for as much of next week as possible.
Any questions or for more information please get in touch.